Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Jew Who Rule America

The Jew Who Rule America by "Brother Nathanael" 
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A far greater tyranny than anything our Founding Founders ever faced is now the plight of America.

I'm talking about the suffocating grip Jewry has on every component of American life.

At the top of the food chain is the privately-held Federal Reserve Bank where Ben Shalom Bernanke serves the Fed's principal shareholders:

The Rothschild Group, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase...who gouge Americans with interest charged on loans made to the US government from monies printed out of thin air...the greatest scam in the history of Jewish swindling.

Moving down the food chain is Jewish Finance Capital where we find the usual suspects once again.

Goldman Sachs—led by Lloyd Blankfein and Gary Cohn—and Citi Group—where veteran bankers Sanford Weill and Robert Rubin recently placed their Jewish alumnus Jacob Lew as head of US Treasury, keep sending American jobs abroad creating longer unemployment lines at home.

Jewry's stranglehold on American life doesn't stop here but has its hands tightly wrapped around our political apparatus as well.

With billions of dollars at their command, Jewish Lobbies such as AIPAC, the ADL, the American Jewish Committee, and the ACLU, fuel the engine of America's demise: The Israelization of foreign policy, Abortion, Mass Immigration, and the Homosexualization of domestic culture.

Linked with political control is the emergence of our "national security state" where Homeland Security is fully in the hands of Jewry.

Big Sis is no more than Gentile window dressing.

The real boys and girls behind our National Police State are Michael Chertoff, Joseph Lieberman (Jews don't retire), Dianne Feinstein...head of Senate Intelligence, Carl Levin...head of Senate Armed Services, and Bibi Netanyahu, who oversees the myriad of Israeli 'Hi-Tech' companies that operate throughout the architecture of both the DHS and the NSA.

In entertainment, Jewry dominates "showbiz" where Jews like Larry David, who urinates on a picture of Jesus Christ, and Sarah Silverman, who vows to crucify Christ again, are given a free pass.

[Clip: "Everybody blames the Jews for killing Christ. And then the Jews try to pass it up on the Romans. I am one of the few people that believe it was the blacks. I don't care, good, I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I'd do it again. I'd f-ing do it again in a second."]

In education, the American Federation of Teachers is led by Randi Weingarten, a professed lesbian, who, while advancing the Jewish programme of homosexuality—spelling the destruction of the Christian Family—is intensifying federal centralization, short-circuiting local and state obstacles to Jewry's command over the minds of the masses.

Enabling Jewry's sodomization of American life is the Supreme Court where 4 Jews out of 9 justices (44 percent representation of only 1.8 percent of the US population):

Ginsberg, Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor (her mother is of Jewish look at her brother tells it all) voted down the Defense of Marriage Act, preparing our hapless country for a repeat of Sodom and Gomorrah's unhappy ending.

Finally, the propaganda levers that move the machinery of tyrannical hegemony is fully in the hands of Jews.

CBS is owned by Murray Rothstein who passes himself off as Sumner Redstone. NBC is owned by Brian Roberts. ABC is owned by Sidney Bass whose CEO is Robert Iger. And CNN is primarily owned by Israeli multi-millionaire Aviv Novo.

America has become an indentured slave to the Jews who rule America.

Only the historic Church, independent of Jewish control — who can muster up the guts to stand up for the few who expose the Jewish evil— can deliver America from the most pernicious tyranny the world has ever seen.

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