23-001) Pakistan’s forex reserves with SBP drop to 9-year-low of $3.09bn
Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank decreased by 16.1 per cent to $3.09 billion in the week ending Jan 27, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) said on Thursday, which analysts said covers less than three weeks of imports.
23-002) উভয় সরঞ্জামে কিয়েভের টানাটানি ছিল। রুশরা ১০-১৫টা গোলা ছুড়লে ইউক্রেন ছুড়তে পারত একটা। সেই ব্যবধান পূরণে অন্য অনেকের সঙ্গে পাকিস্তান কিয়েভকে সাহায্য করে।
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Pakistan History
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001) Special report: The breakup of Pakistan 1969-1971
002) Dhaka fell on December 16th, 1971. East Pakistan became Bangladesh.
Indira Gandhi called it "a revenge for 1000 years of Hindu slavery"...
But was that a noble military victory for India?
Parsi Indian Army chief who led the war speaks the ultimate truth!
Indira Gandhi called it "a revenge for 1000 years of Hindu slavery"...
But was that a noble military victory for India?
Parsi Indian Army chief who led the war speaks the ultimate truth!
003) Article: পাকিস্তানের দুর্দশার বড় দায় পারভেজ মোশাররফের / Prothom Alo
A) দুজন জ্যেষ্ঠ জেনারেলকে সরিয়ে পারভেজ মোশাররফকে সেনাপ্রধান নিয়োগ দিলেন নওয়াজ।
B) পাকিস্তানে ধর্মীয় উগ্রপন্থার ব্যাপক বিস্তার ঠেকাতে মোশাররফ মাদ্রাসা সংস্কারের যে প্রকল্প নিয়েছিলেন, শেষ পর্যন্ত তা চরম ব্যর্থ হয়। এর মধ্যে চলে আসে ৯/১১।
C) আইয়ুব খান, জিয়াউল হক ও পারভেজ মোশাররফ—তাঁরা তিনজন এমন এক শক্তিশালী প্রতীক হিসেবে থেকে যাবেন, যা কিনা রাষ্ট্র হিসেবে পাকিস্তানের অকার্যকারিতার পেছনে একমাত্র কারণ।
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Pakistan Economy
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001) ‘সংকটের দোরগোড়ায়’ পাকিস্তানের অর্থনীতি
002) অভ্যন্তরীণ অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের মুখে ব্রিটেন ও যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সঙ্গে পাকিস্তান এমন কিছু সমঝোতায় এসেছে, যার ফল ইউক্রেনের স্বার্থে এয়ার ব্রিজ। বিনিময়ে আইএমএফের কাছ থেকে দ্রুত ঋণ পাওয়া সহজ হবে পাকিস্তানের।
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Pakistan Society
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Pakistan Media
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Pakistani Media ..... TV ...
Samaa News / 92 News / Dawn News TV / Express News / Hum TV / PTV News / Aaj News / 24 News / Neo News / Apna TV / Masala TV / Makkah Live / Madina Live
C/O, Source Link
Samaa News / 92 News / Dawn News TV / Express News / Hum TV / PTV News / Aaj News / 24 News / Neo News / Apna TV / Masala TV / Makkah Live / Madina Live
C/O, Source Link
»»————- ★ ————-««
┌───── •✧✧• ─────┐
Pakistan ETC
└───── •✧✧• ─────┘
001) 002) Tarek Fatah on Balochistan
003) Fearless Tarek Fatah RIPS THROUGH PAKISTAN
005) A short story of the most passionate azaan to reclaim Pakistan in its darkest hour
006) Pakistani general election, 2018
009) Pakistan’s Greatest Missing Person (MA Jinnah)
010) Kaiser Bengali @ Dawn
011) Stories by Kaiser Bengali
013) IHC decides to remove judge Arshad Malik after video leak controversy
015) In major reshuffle, Munir Akram to replace Maleeha Lodhi as Pakistan's envoy to UN
016) Nation must be united in condemning Mashal Khan's murder: PM Nawaz
»»————- ★ ————-««
PK-001) Read the story of Captain Ahsen Malik of Pak army.....
He defended his position with only 40 men...against a Brigade strength (3000 Indian troops) for 21 days.... Wiki
PK-003) Squad run by Dick Cheney assassinated Benazir: Hersh
PK-004) Was Pakistan always destined to become an Islamic republic? – Part 1 ... 2 ...
PK-005) Pakistani Qadiani
PK-007) Telephone numbers in Pakistan
PK-008) Muhammad Amir Rana
Security & political analyst ... Articles / Activity / Experience
He defended his position with only 40 men...against a Brigade strength (3000 Indian troops) for 21 days.... Wiki
PK-003) Squad run by Dick Cheney assassinated Benazir: Hersh
PK-004) Was Pakistan always destined to become an Islamic republic? – Part 1 ... 2 ...
PK-005) Pakistani Qadiani
PK-007) Telephone numbers in Pakistan
PK-008) Muhammad Amir Rana
Security & political analyst ... Articles / Activity / Experience
PK-009) মুহাম্মদ আমির রানা C/O, Prothom Alo
PK-010) Muhammad Amir Rana C/O, Dawn
PK-011) Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
PK-012) Siachen Conflict
PK-013) Pervez Musharraf – The One Man Army
PK-014) متروکہ سندھ کیا ہے؟
PK-016) 70 years after Babrra Massacre, victims' families demand justice, as deaths of 600 Khudai Khidmatgars remain buried in history
PK-017) if Pakistan was enlisted in FATF's black list, he said that the country would face dire consequences and might as well get penalised.
PK-018) Ehsaas Kafaalat : cash stipends of Rs. 2,000 monthly and bank accounts to the most deserving and poorest women across the country
Jinnah ... CoolText
He did not dread Islam, he loved the idea of Islam and strove for an ideal Muslim state // Aneela Shahzad
February 11, 2022
02) Was Jinnah secular? // NANDALAL CHAKRABARTI | New Delhi | August 29, 2021
03) Jinnah Was 'Secular', Congress' Communalism Caused Partition: BJP's CK Bose
04) Presidential address by Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the Muslim League, Lahore, 1940
05) Jinnah's House Destroyed By Militants: Did Jinnah Fathom It Coming When He Created Pakistan? -1 by Dr K N Bastola
001) Mohammad Qasim
Culture ...
002) When Actor Shabnam Left Pakistan After Being Gang-Raped By Influentials And Denied Justice
Websites ...
001) Marvi Sirmed ... Pakistani journalist ... She raised voice for repeal of Hudood Ordinances, amendments in the Blasphemy Laws, and karo-kari.
001) Horrified to know that filmstar #Shabnam was gang-raped by #FarooqBandial in front of her family. The matter was hushed up and she was forced to pardon him during #Ziaregime, an era of draconian laws. So much for destroying the life and career of a Pakistani star. --- Link
002) Let's b objective. #ZiaRegime didn't differ much from the ones prior to him or after so far as basic System weaknesses were concerned.
003) The ironical of Pakistan policy....
#ZiaRegime voilence mindset is still stronger than of #Bhothoism.
Shaukat Basra ... Link
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